Until a while ago, no one cared much about biocompatibility for dental materials, nor was there much debate and controversy on the subject. However, at least in Romania, for a long time a rather limited range of materials was used, which mainly had to fulfill two main desires: to be cheap and resistant. So, some of us remember, or maybe still have, Gaudent metal works, amalgam fillings (with mercury content), and all kinds of metal alloys for dental bridges and crowns, with acrylate veneers.
Types of toxic dental materials
- Gaudent for example, a yellow metal, is currently banned on the market, although it was created by a Romanian physician, Dr. Gaucan. This Gaudent has been proven to have a carcinogenic effect, it distorts in the salivary environment and changes color. It is clearly to be avoided, and if you know you have works made of this material I recommend you to change them with new ones made of biocompatible materials.
- Chromium-nickel is a strong alloy, widely used nowadays as a framework for porcelain (ceramic) work, but in some patients it can cause allergic reactions, such as sore gums that bleed at the slightest stimulus.
- Acrylate belongs to the category of inexpensive dental materials, similar in color to the natural tooth, but over time it deteriorates, cracks, seeps, changes color and becomes rough. In this way, acrylate becomes irritating to the gums, inflames them and creates an unpleasant odor. Over time they are destroyed, creating spaces between the gum and the crown that favor the appearance of cavities, become unsightly. Acrylate itself is a plastic! At this time, the only indication for acrylate I would say are temporary crowns, which are only worn for a few days until the final work is ready, and in no case for long-term restorations.
- Dental amalgam is a famous metal-colored filling material that many Romanians are still proud that it has "held" them for decades without causing them problems. It's true that the strength of amalgam is its strong point and that's why it has been so successful, plus, of course, the very low cost. Unfortunately, however, not only these two considerations are important, but also the influence of this material on the body.
About dental amalgam. How toxic is it?
Amalgam has as its basic component mercury, which we all know has toxic potential for the entire body. Although the Romanian Medical College claims that this material is safe for human health, there are numerous studies that prove the contrary. Many of these studies claim that mercury vapors are constantly released from these fillings when we chew, rub our teeth together, ingest hot drinks or during brushing your teeth. It also seems that the mercury released from fillings affects our general health, especially that of children, favoring autoimmune or immunodeficiency disorders, multiple sclerosis, kidney diseases, allergies and hypersensitivities, genetic disorders, etc.
Amalgam has been banned or restricted for dental use in several countries around the world: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, France, France, Austria, Canada, Germany. Unfortunately, in Romania there is no regulation regarding this material and it is still used in quite a lot of dental offices, when it comes to caries. In the Life Dental Spa clinic, this material is not used nor recommended by our doctors.
Non-toxic dental materials for dental restorations
Below, we have made a selection of non-toxic dental materials, from simple fillings to complex prosthetic work. Accordingly, we have chosen those with a high degree of biocompatibility, such as:
- Ceramics (porcelain) - it is a very body-friendly material and at the same time it offers a great esthetics to crowns, veneers, dental inlays. The color and texture is stable over time, the works do not turn yellow and do not become rough, impregnated, but on the contrary, they keep their beauty in the long term. All-ceramic crowns are very esthetic, they look very much like natural teeth, and imitate their transparency and translucency very well. For this reason, they are recommended for crowns and veneers on the front teeth, visible in the smile. In terms of resistance, they are more sensitive than zirconia restorations, for example. The gum easily accepts this type of material because it does not irritate it.
- Zirconia - is one of the most dental friendly materials. It is a white material that can be adapted quite easily aesthetically, very well received by the gums and the body in general. The work can be made entirely of zirconia, or it can have a zirconia framework, then veneered with ceramic. Zirconium offers resistance and durability over time, without affecting the esthetics - you will no longer notice that dark stripe at the level of contact of the work with the gum, as in the case of work containing metal. The result is both aesthetic and long-lasting. In our clinic we also make zirconia posts (corono-radicular reconstructions). For this, the root of the tooth is treated endodontically correctly, then prepared (milled) according to certain rules and impressed. The impression will be sent to the laboratory and will serve as a mold for the new zirconia post.
- Fiberglass - we use it in our clinic for abutments and periodontal immobilizations. It has high biocompatibility and esthetics.
Non-toxic dental fillings
Of all types of dental materials, non-toxic fillings are relatively new in dentistry. In fact, Life Dental Spa was the first clinic in Romania to offer patients the non-toxic composite for fillings in the treatment of caries.
Let me explain what this dental filling material is all about and what makes it special. We all know the usual tooth-colored composite fillings that are light-cured with a special UV lamp. Probably most of us have such fillings in our mouths, as they have been and still are widely used in dentistry. The latest studies, however, have shown that they contain compounds called methacrylates, which are potentially toxic to the tooth to which they are applied, but also to the body at a distance.
In short, methacrylates UDMA, TEGDMA, HEMA can affect tooth development and their self-repair capacity, being toxic to odontoblasts (tooth cells), fibroblasts (gum cells), and can cause sensitivity and even necrosis of the dental nerve. Moreover, they can cause allergies and toxicity to lung cells.
I admit that when I attended the conference that presented this issue I was a bit amazed and skeptical, but then I continued to study the subject and concluded that such studies are not to be neglected. So, I searched for an alternative compound WITHOUT METACRYLATE and found this non-toxic compound that we gladly recommend to all our patients.
At the moment, I consider that laser caries treatment and filling with non-toxic fillings is one of the most effective methods, and contains high quality and biocompatible dental materials.
Life Dental Spa recommends and promotes biocompatible dental materials for both dental fillings and more complex prosthetic work. If you need more information about which dental materials to avoid, you can schedule an appointment at any of our clinics in the country.