- General terms
This document containing the terms and conditions of use of the www.lifedentalspa.ro website (hereinafter referred to as "Terms and Conditions") sets out the conditions under which any person may visit or access the www.lifedentalspa.ro website, or use in any way the services offered through the Website.
Within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions: the "Site" hereinafter means the website www.lifedentalspa.ro; "Site Administrator" hereinafter means Integra Medical Services SA with registered office in Str. Martha Bibescu, nr 39, Balotesti, Ilfov; "Service" means any service offered on the Site, and/or any module or component thereof; "User" hereinafter means any person who visits or accesses the Site, who creates an account on the Site or who wishes to use in any way or actually uses the Service.
Failure to accept these Terms and Conditions or any provision thereof, as they are formulated herein, shall entail the User's obligation to immediately cease accessing the Site; accessing or further visiting the Site, any pages thereof and/or use of the Service, as well as any component thereof, shall constitute a full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and any provision thereof.
By registering the User fully and unconditionally accepts the provisions of these Terms and Conditions and agrees to use the Service in strict accordance with them. Users understand and agree that their use and any continued access or visit to the Site, any pages thereof and/or use of the Service and any component thereof constitutes their full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and any and all provisions thereof; failure to accept the Terms and Conditions by the aforementioned Users shall result in their obligation to immediately cease accessing the Site.
- Rights over the content of the Website
Continutul si elementele de grafica ale Site-ului, inclusiv dar fara a se limita la acestea, intreg continutul in format text si orice alt material, transmis sub orice forma de si catre Utilizatori (prin vizualizare directa pe Site, prin newslettere sau prin orice alte materiale legate direct sau indirect de Site) apartin Administratorului Site-ului si partenerilor sai si reprezinta continutul Site-ului. Prin derogare de la prevederea precedenta nu apartin Administratorului Site-ului sau partenerilor sai acele materiale pentru care pe Site s-a indicat un alt titular de drepturi, ori un alt detinator sau o alta sursa, si nici opiniile si/sau comentariile de orice fel exprimate de Utilizatorii Site-ului postate pe Site sau fata de Continutul Site-ului in general. In cazurile in care Continutul Site-ului, indiferent de zona in care se afla in Site si indiferent de tip este preluat de Administratorului Site-ului de la alti producatori / emitenti de continut sau materiale in fomat text, imagine, grafica, secvente video, dar fara a se limita la acestea, o asemnenea preluare se realizeaza cu respectarea prevederilor legale si regulilor incidente in asemenea cazuri.
Utilizatorii inteleg si accepta ca toate informatiile, datele, materialele postate pe Site au doar un caracter informativ si orientativ, si ca Administratorul Site-ului nu poate fi tras la raspundere in niciun caz si in niciun mod pentru veridicitatea si validitatea Continutului Site-ului, sau pentru orice efect juridic decurgand din utilizarea acestuia.
Raspunsul primit ca urmare a completarii formularului de miniconsultatie nu are valoarea unei consultatii reale si Administratorul Site-ului nu poate fi raspunzator pentru acest raspuns informal, acesta avand un scop pur informativ si nicidecum neconstituind un tratament medical adecvat.
Utilizatorii se obliga sa respecte toate drepturile de autor si drepturile conexe acestuia si orice alte drepturi de proprietate intelectuala pe care Adminstratorul Site-ului si partenerii sai le detin asupra / in legatura cu Site-ul, Continutul acestuia, Serviciul, orice modul sau componenenta a acestora sau in legatura cu utilizarea acestora. Utilizatorii inteleg si accepta ca in cazul incalcarii a vreunei din prevederile de mai sus in orice masura, vor putea fi trasi la raspundere fata de autorii / proprietarii Continutului Site-ului. Continutul Site-ului, indiferent de zona in care se afla in Site si indiferent de tip, poate fi utilizat exclusiv in scopuri personale, definite potrivit prezentului document ca fiind scopuri pur necomerciale, fara nicio intentie directa ori indirecta privind obtinerea de profituri sau castiguri de orice fel dintr-o asemenea utilizare. Orice utilizare de continut de catre terte persoane in orice alte scopuri decat cele personale se poate face numai cu acordul scris, expres si prealabil al Administratorului Site-ului.
Este interzisa copierea, preluarea, reproducerea, publicarea, transmiterea, vanzarea, distributia totala sau partiala, integrala sau modificata a continutului acestui Site sau a oricarei parti a acestuia efectuate in orice alte scopuri decat cele personale; Administratorul Site-ului isi rezerva dreptul de a actiona in instanta orice persoana si / sau entitate care incalca in orice mod prevederile de mai sus. Cererile de utilizare a continutului Site-ului in orice scopuri decat cele personale pot fi trimise la adresa: Integra Medical Services SA cu sediul in Str. Martha Bibescu, nr 39, Balotesti, Ilfov cu mentiunea “Pentru echipa Life Dental Spa” sau prin oricare dintre modalitatile indicate la pagina de Contact a Site-ului. Orice persoane care expediaza in orice mod informatii ori materiale catre Site isi asuma obligatia de a nu prejudicia in nici un mod drepturile de autor pe care o terta persoana le-ar putea invoca in legatura cu materialele si informatiile transmise in orice mod catre Site, iar persoanele care expediaza in orice mod informatii ori materiale inteleg si accepta ca incalcarea in orice mod a acestei obligatii nu poate angaja in niciun mod raspunderea Administratorului Site-ului, ci numai raspunderea persoanelor respective.
Utilizatorii care expediaza in orice mod informatii ori materiale catre Site sunt de acord sa cedeze exclusiv, pe termen nelimitat si pe toate teritoriile, in momentul trimiterii acestora catre Administratorul Site-ului, toate drepturile de utilizare, adaptare, modificare si/sau retransmitere a continutului cu care contribuie sau posteaza pe Site. Administratorul Site-ului nu poate fi considerat responsabil pentru eventualele prejudicii cauzate de continutul postat sau incarcat pe site sau in oricare din modulele acestuia (cum ar fi, dar fara a se limita la formularul de comanda sau miniconsultatie) pe Site de catre orice persoană, indiferent din ce sectiune, serviciu sau facilitate face parte respectivul continut. Orice persoane care expediaza in orice mod informatii, comentarii, opinii, ori materiale catre Site isi asuma obligatia de a nu prejudicia in nici un mod pe ceilalţi Utilizatori prin informaţiile, comentariile şi materiaele expediate, şi acceptă şi înţeleg că ei sunt singurii care pot fi traşi la răspundere pentru veridicitatea, validitatea, corectitudinea informaţiilor, comentarilor, opiinilor şi materialelor, incluzând dar fără a se limita la consecinţele juridice în legătură cu utilizarea lor. Este strict interzisa postarea pe Site a oricarui continut, incluzand materiale, comentarii, imagini, secvente video, dar fara a se limita la acestea, care au un limbaj obscen sau vulgar, contin texte ilegale, amenintatoare, abuzive, indecente, mesaje rasiste, soviniste ori care ar putea discrimina orice persoane in orice mod, sau care ar incalca orice alte drepturi si libertati ale omului potrivit legislatiei in vigoare.
Utilizatorii inteleg si accepta ca in cazul incalcarii in orice mod si in orice masura a oricarora din prevederile Termenilor si Conditiilor, Administratorul Site-ului va putea opta in mod discretionar pentru nepublicarea oricaruri continut expediat de Utilizator in vederea postarii catre Site ori pentru modificarea in orice mod a unui asemenea continut, fara niciun fel de atentionari sau notificari prealabile si fara a fi necesare orice alte formalitati in acest sens. Utilizatorii inteleg si accepta ca Site-ul le ofera doar o platforma de informare si comunicare si ca doar ei singuri raspund pentru orice materiale, date si informatii postate pe Site indiferent de forma si partea in care apar (de exemplu blog, avatar, comentarii etc., dar fara a se limita la acestea) si pentru orice efecte juridice si / sau comerciale derivand din acestea.
- Link to other sites
Users understand and accept that the Site may contain links or references to other Internet sites, including but not limited to personal sites (blogs), the sites of the providers of products and/or services to which the advertising banners posted on the Site or advertising microsites, which are considered by the Site Administrator to be useful in connection with the Site Content, but which are not under its control or direction.
The Site Administrator is absolved of any responsibility for the content or opinions expressed on any of the aforementioned websites, as well as their correctness and accuracy, and Users understand and agree that these websites are not monitored, controlled or verified in any way by the Site Administrator. The inclusion of a link or reference to other websites does not imply endorsement in any way by the Site Administrator. When Users access these websites, they do so at their own risk, knowing that the use of the services offered by these websites is subject to the conditions established by the administrators of these websites.
- Limitation of liability
The Site Administrator assumes no obligation and does not implicitly or expressly warrant for the content of any kind of the Site, or for the entire content provided by Users. The Site Administrator will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the Site and will endeavor to correct errors and omissions as soon as possible.
The Site Administrator makes no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to the Site Content and shall in no event be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of any part, sequence, mode of Content on the Site or the inability to use the Site Content, howsoever caused, or the misinterpretation of any provision of the Site Content.
Users understand and accept that the functioning of the Site may be affected by certain objective conditions, and that any services offered through the Site are offered on an "as is", "as available" basis, and that Users use such services at their own risk. Consequently, the Site Administrator cannot be held liable for any information and data in the Content of the Site, including but not limited to text, images, videos, avatars, avatars, blogs, or any other activity related to the use, and any other legal effects deriving therefrom.
The Users understand and accept that the Site Administrator is absolved from any liability in the event of any stoppage, interruption, hindrance, malfunction or error in the functioning of the Site as well as in any situation in which it would not prove beyond doubt that any errors or problems of a technical nature of the above mentioned are directly and exclusively due to the Site Administrator's gross negligence.
The Users expressly understand and accept that the Site Administrator is absolved from any liability for any kind of direct, indirect damages, including but not limited to loss of profit, commercial or other intangible losses, resulting from the use of the Site Content in any way or any legal effects deriving therefrom.
Users understand and agree that the Site Administrator shall not be liable for any advertising messages posted on the Site or through the Service, or for any goods or services provided by the authors of such advertising messages.
In cases of force majeure the Administrator of the Site and/or its operators, directors, employees, sub-units, branch offices and representatives, are totally exonerated from liability. Cases of force majeure include, but are not limited to, malfunctions of the Site Administrator's technical equipment, failure of the Internet connection, failure of telephone connections, computer viruses, computer attacks of any kind and interference with malicious software, unauthorized access to the Site's systems, operating errors, strikes, etc.
Users agree to fully protect, insure and indemnify the Site Administrator and/or its operators, directors, officers, employees, subunits, subsidiaries, branch offices and representatives from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, demands, losses, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, experts and consultants or executors, court, notary or execution fees), expenses, judgments, judgments, decisions, fines, settlements or other liabilities arising out of or related to any other action by the User in connection with the improper use of the Service/Site or any other matter in connection with the Service/Site.
- Applicable law. Disputes
The rights and obligations of the Users and of the Site Administrator, as provided by the Terms and Conditions, as well as all legal effects produced by the Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted and governed in accordance with the Romanian law in force. Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Terms and Conditions will be settled amicably. In case of impossibility to reach an agreement, the dispute will be settled by the competent Romanian court located within the territorial radius of Bucharest.
- Changes to the Terms and Conditions
The Site Administrator has the right to modify any of the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions in their entirety at any time and in any manner, without any prior notice and without being obliged to fulfill any other formality towards the Users. Any modification shall be deemed to be fully and unconditionally accepted by any User by simply using or accessing any of the facilities offered by the Site or the Service, or by accessing the Site, at any time after the modification is made, and failure to accept any modification shall result in such User's obligation to immediately cease accessing the Site and/or using the Service in any manner.